About Bisley Montessori

The Bisley Montessori Nursery School follows the ethos of Maria Montessori alongside the EYFS framework for the year foundation stage.

Practical Life

Which helps children deal with the day to day tasks of living in the physical world, such as taking shoes on and off, zipping up coats etc… For example, we use special dressing frames to show how zips undo and do back up and how buttons work, little jugs and tweezers to develop precise actions. It’s one of the most immediate effects parents see from a Montessori approach and the beginning of independence and confidence.

Sensorial and Maths area

Let’s children explore the fundaments of the world around them through their senses. Children come across all kinds of shapes, sizes, colours and fabrics which they gradually learn to distinguish from one another. This is where we use specialist equipment to develop counting and number work as-well as helping make subtle distinctions between objects.

Cultural area

Covers geography, biology and other sciences. You may think that your child would be too young to show an interest in such topics, but the children are fascinated by them. Children learn about the world through maps and the globe. We celebrate different festivals and cook cultural food or listen to songs from around the world. We encourage parents from other countries to come in and speak. We also look at things such as floating, sinking, magnifying glasses and magnets.

Literacy area

Our aim here is to encourage children to learn the phonic sounds of the alphabet and add this to their reading. We enjoy story time with a daily story in our circle time. The children are also encouraged to pick up a book from a very large selection and read it to themselves, us or us to them at any point of the day when they can choose what they would like to do.

Outdoor area

Gaining gross motor skills which includes toys, like riding bikes, climbing, jumping and scooters all help with this plus gardening and sand play.

Special classes

Currently we have French lessons on a Wednesday plus yoga, music and movement, listening games and singing.

Keyworker system

Each child has a key worker who monitors their development whilst working closely with their family unit. The key worker writes a report on the child in the autumn and summer terms and has targets set for them in 3 terms. A child aged 2 has a 2-year-old check which is written here and given to the parents to take to the health visitor whilst they have their 2-year-old development review. This is done between 24-26 months.

Settling in

Before children join the nursery, we invite the child to have a few sessions where the child is left for a short time to get used to being left at the nursery or when they start the parents can stay for the first session and can join in the session’s activities. At these sessions you can meet the child’s keyworker and tell them anything you may feel relevant to help your child settle in.

News Book

When you child start, they get a news book an in here you can write anything which may help your child at nursery. It may be just something that’s happened recently like having a new brother or sister, an exciting weekend, bad news, or just information which might be worth telling us in order to help your child whilst they are at our nursery.


We encourage healthy eating at our nursery and ask if you could provide a piece of fruit or veg each session your child attends. This is cut up and shared at snack time, a choice of 5 things is offered each day. We also provide a drink of milk or water. Please always let us know any allergies so we know when your child is having their snack.

Daily routines


Morning is Free flow play, Montessori work, PE and snack.

Afternoon is Free flow play, topic time, Montessori Work, Lunch and PM snack.


Morning is Free flow play, Montessori work, Dance and snack.

Afternoon is Free flow play, topic time, Montessori Work, Lunch and PM snack.


Morning is Free flow play, Montessori work, French and snack.

Afternoon is Free flow play, topic time, Montessori Work, Lunch and PM snack.


Morning is Free flow play, Montessori work, yoga or sticky kids and snack.

Afternoon is Free flow play, topic time, Montessori Work, Lunch and PM snack.


Morning is Free flow play, Montessori work, Dance and snack.

Afternoon is Free flow play, topic time, Montessori Work, Lunch and PM snack.


Phone: 07587 330 218
Email: Skylake.BisleyMontessori@gmail.com
Bisley Montessori Nursey School
Miles Green Farm,
Queens Road,
GU24 9AR
MON-FRI 09:00 - 17:30